Current Volunteerism


    Commission on Culture and the Arts - Vice Chair

    Located on the San Pablo Bay, northeast of San Francisco, Vallejo is one of the most diverse cities in California as well as one of the most underfunded in the arts. Kat joined the Arts Commission to increase focus on the importance of the city’s arts community, work with the Economic Development Division and City Council to include arts funding within the annual city budget, in its grant writing goals, and having the arts included in overall planning strategies. The arts also have an ability to help enlighten, uplift, heal, and unite a community. The Commission works to equitably and inclusively support arts education, individual artists, non-profits, community projects, and public events that celebrate and bring together the diverse cultures and communities within the city, and elevate Vallejo as a positive place to live and visit.


    President, Board of Directors

    The Mira Theatre Guild (MTG) is Vallejo’s oldest performing arts organization, with its origin story beginning in 1943. Since the 1960’s it owns and operates a 100+ yr old performing arts theatre which was originally a school. Over the years, the Guild lost its way in terms of service to the community, inclusivity, supporting local artists, writers, performers, as well as the ability to care for the historic building which was in urgent need of repairs and renovation. Because there was also need for new leadership and vision, Kat joined the Guild, volunteered for a year, then was elected by the members as President of the Board of Directors. Since taking the position, MTG has dramatically increased its grant funding, started making repairs to the building as funding allows, diversified its board, supported new original theatre works, arts education, LGBTQ+ programming & events, and provides low cost event space to teachers, artists, and community organizations.